Sunday, September 6, 2009 | |

Knewsing 7: Jesus Knocks out the Devil in Africa

Today's article comes from The Oklahoman: U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe Leads in Trips Abroad.
By Chris Casteel.

Jesus sure does get around. Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma has been traveling the world on the “taxpayer’s dime,” says this particular article. One of the places he’s been going to is Africa. Sen. Inhofe also said, at one point, that one of the reasons he went to Africa was because it was a “Jesus thing.” Uh-oh. Red Flag. Red Flag.

I’m not going to wax on here very long, it is a blog after all, and I’ve been talking too much lately. But, I will say that this particular Senator says he holds prayer meetings with African leaders. Do you get a mental picture? This is what I think about. I think about a trip to Ghana I took in 2004. We were driving on the way to Cape Coast, where the slaves were shipped out of Africa and into America to work for King Cotton. Along the way there were small shanty shops, beauty salons and barber shops, and the like. They were all named something like “Jesus Saves Beauty Salon,” and “Mary, Queen of Heaven Salon,” or “Saint-something-or-other Barber Shop.” And then, sandwiched amid them there was a particular little shanty shop called “The Fuck You Beauty Salon.” Ah, Colonialism.

Apparently, Jesus really likes to travel because Sen. Inhofe has been taking trips like drinking water – from Australia to Paris.

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